If you were to dream up your very own factoring manifesto, what would it look like?
At NN6, we believe in keeping four core values at the front and center of everything we do.
A Focus on Processes Over Outcomes We focus on the habits, actions, and real time decisions around our non-negotiable factoring essentials that drive portfolio outcomes. Picture invoice delivery schedules that contain real time risk scores, analytics, and management approval processes pre-funding, when risks or anomalies have been identified.
Prioritizing Real-Time Data Over Bias Access to real-time data allows us all to pay attention to key trends around the non-negotiable portfolio metrics we all know and love. Looking at the facts tells us where the most risk lies in our portfolios as well as the reason why. Having all of this information all in one place greatly reduces our margin of error.
Communication: The Key to A Strong Risk Management Culture Factors experience client issues due to snafus somewhere in our operational processes versus actual credit decisions. Knowing in real time who is responsible for doing what prevents redundancies as well as ensures all bases are covered and no one gets left behind.
Operational Excellence Leads to Better Client and Team Outcomes When you're unaware of risks, your clients remain in the dark as well. When the information around those risks isn't readily available, you're missing the tools needed to keep your clients informed. Building and fostering a culture of operational excellence will always steer your ship in the right direction.
NN6 was created to solve some of the biggest problems plaguing the factoring industry.
Our cutting-edge strategy separates us from the pack so we can focus on what's most important.
Eliminating the noise, streamlining processes, and getting everyone on the same page allows you to focus on what you do best: getting real results for your clients.
To learn more about how NN6 is breaking the mold, check out our website.
Heading to the IFA Conference? Come stop by our booth (booth 41) and say hello.